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Hairston Bridge POA CC&Rs, By-Laws & Rules & Regulations

These are the founding covenants, rules and restrictions of the Hairston Bridge Property Owners Association guiding documents. These documents apply only to those who own a home or are tenants of a home within Hairston Bridge community. The documents on the website are for the convenience of residents and are not to be considered the signed official versions.

Official signed copies of the documents can either be obtained at the DeKalb County Court Clerk's office. For hard copies of this information please open the documents by selecting the icon below and print locally. It is the responsibility of each owner/tenant to read, familiarize and comply with the guidelines outlined in each document.

Hairston Bridge POA


Hairston Bridge POA

By Laws

Hairston Bridge POA

Rules & Regulations


What is a violation?

A violation is an observed or reported condition on a homeowner’s property, which does not comply with the community’s Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s), By-Laws and Rules and Regulations. The CC&R’s are available on our community’s website by logging into Select the ‘By-Laws/Violations’ link under the title at the top of the webpage.

What is a courtesy notice?

A courtesy notice is a friendly reminder to address the property maintenance concern that may have been identified during the property inspection by the HOA Board of Director Team. The goal is to gain compliance and help to maintain the overall look and feel of the community. No fines or enforcement is associated with the notice.

Why did I receive a violation letter?

If you received a violation letter, it is because your home or property is in violation of the DCCRs (Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions) and/or the Bylaws or Rules and Regulations of the association. Violations are generated following the regulations set by the Association, and letters are issued whenever the HOA Board of Directors observes a violation. Please act quickly to come into compliance after getting a letter. Fines can accompany lingering compliance violations.

When will the violation be closed on my account?

Unless the letter addresses a daily fine, there is no need to call us once you have become in compliance after receiving a violation, we will notate it on our next visit throughout the community and remove the violation from the account if corrected.

How do I Dispute a Violation?

If you have fixed the violation after receiving only a courtesy notice, then there is no need to dispute the violation. To dispute a violation you can contact the HOA Board of Directors and a member of our Homeowner Services team will contact you. You can send a email to or via the website and the Contact Us page.

Why will a fine be assessed to my account?

The fining process is described on the letter you received as well as found on the website in the Community’s Violation Policy. Different from the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (DCCR), this policy states how the DCCR will be enforced to include a violation/fining schedule. To view your associations violation policy, log into your account and select the ‘Documents’ link under the ‘Community Info’ category at the top of the webpage.

What does force(d) maintenance mean?

Force(d) maintenance is an action taken by the Homeowners Association on violations that have met the final stages and all notices have been exhausted per the Governing Documents of the community. When an enforcement is executed, a general contractor will go to the property and cure the violation. The cost to hire the general contractor to cure the violation will be billed to your account.

If I receive a violation letter, what do I need to do?

Take action and correct the violation or if you are unable to cure the violation in the time allotted, you might be able to request additional time to cure the violation. The goal in sending violation letters/notice is to gain compliance and help maintain or improve the overall look and feel of the community. Every owner should share this common goal and support the efforts to maintain property values by maintaining their properties.

What if I am unable to cure the violation in the time allotted? 

As a community we will allow you to request an extension of time to come into compliance. To make a request please utilize the Contact Us option on the website.

  • Be sure to leave your name, address, email and phone number as well as the violation you are correcting.

  • Please provide the specific date you will be in compliance. If any additional information is needed, or the date requested is deemed unreasonable.

Who Looks for Violations?

Properties are inspected monthly or twice a month HOA Board of Directors to enforce the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s).

How do I report an issue?

If there is an issue in a common area in your community, please report it via the Contact Us button to the community website.  If there is an issue with another home in the community, please use the same method. Keep in mind, we are not the police or your municipality, we do not referee neighbor to neighbor disputes. We suggest all neighbors try to work things out civilly.

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